Testnet - what is it?

The testnet is a parallel Bitcoin network created solely to test the operation of updates and algorithms in test mode. Essentially, Testnet is a separate blockchain into which developers introduce new functions, technologies, and algorithms. This is done to ensure the stability of the main network because any changes before their operability and effectiveness are confirmed carry a potential threat, which can provoke irreversible consequences or the collapse of the entire system.

The testnet is used both for complex and major changes and for minor updates that are planned to be added to the main network solely based on notification of all community members about the integration.

Features of using Testnet

The testnet starts in standard operating mode. That is, it not only integrates scheduled updates into the source code. Miners continue to mine coins as usual. However, the value of coins on such a blockchain is zero. That is, such coins do not provide owners with any practical benefit other than preventing possible hacker attacks on the network and identifying vulnerabilities due to various experiments.