
TOP 5 Profitable Devices
Profit (24 h)
1 KS0 Ultra 400 Gh/s kHeavyHash 0.4 Th/s 100 W
0.790 USD 0.00001512 BTC
2 KS5M 15 Th/s kHeavyHash 15 Th/s 3400 W
30.33 USD 0.00056698 BTC
3 KAS KS5L 12 Th/s kHeavyHash 12 Th/s 3400 W
22.63 USD 0.00045359 BTC
4 KAS KS3M 6 Th/s kHeavyHash 6 Th/s 3400 W
7.23 USD 0.00022680 BTC
5 KAS KS2 2 Th/s kHeavyHash 2 Th/s 1200 W
2.25 USD 0.00007560 BTC
6 Kas KS3 8 Th/s kHeavyHash 8 Th/s 3200 W
12.85 USD 0.00030245 BTC

Cryptocurrency mining brings income not only to users who add blocks to the blockchain, but also to creators of equipment for complex calculations. This truth has been realized by many entrepreneurs, but only a few managed to create an established business for the production of asics. IceRiver is known to many miners, especially those who are interested in innovative projects and aim for long-term investments in high-quality equipment. 

The manufacturer offers its customers to take part in kHeavyHash mining, using the latest generation machines with an optimal ratio of performance and energy consumption. You can buy IceRiver with suitable characteristics directly from the manufacturer with delivery from China or use the services of a trusted seller. In any case, you should learn as much as possible about the brand and its developments beforehand.

Important information about the company

IceRiver, a popular manufacturer in different countries, is headquartered in Hong Kong and has been creating high-tech devices for cryptographic tasks for quite a long time. Activation of sales occurred after the launch of a series of asics to work with KAS - the currency of a unique blockchain, working on the protocol GHOSTDAG. The company turned out to be one of the first to offer miners really powerful machines, the use of which allows you to generate income when choosing this digital asset. 

For 2023, the IceRiver brand made a big leap in development and became one of the leaders in the chosen niche. Its representatives were present and presented products at leading global exhibitions, including Blockchain Life 2023 Dubai, Bitcoin Mining 2023 and Empower 2023. Asics for Kaspa with 1T and 2T arithmetic power were also on sale for the first time. Another important event, confirming the company's recognition in the global cryptocurrency community, was the integration with NiceHash. Now owners of the Chinese manufacturer's devices can mine KAS and get rewarded in BTC.

IceRiver equipment and accessories

In terms of profitability, IceRiver equipment will definitely please miners, allowing them to earn stable income solo or in pools. There are asics for users with different requests and financial capabilities:

  • KS0; 
  • KS1; 
  • KS2; 
  • KS3L;
  • KS3M.

The machines consume from 65W to 3200W depending on performance. The range also includes plans for asics, cables, fans.

Analyzing the pros and cons of Chinese brand designs

The main disadvantage of Chinese brand asics is the limitation of mining opportunities. Mining any other types of crypto with the help of such devices will not work. In addition to the lack of prospects for repurposing, users are concerned about the difficulties with re-flashing and repair, as well as not too long warranty period, which is only 6 months (for the power supply - 1 year). On the other hand, the company offers the most advanced technical solutions for UANs, which increases the chances of rewards. The list of advantages includes:

  • high power ratings;
  • operating system pre-installed in most models;
  • intuitive control panel;
  • moderate noise background;
  • low electricity consumption;
  • quick and relatively easy setup;
  • online technical support. 

As for the price of IceRiver, it is difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion here, since there is no Kaspa mining equipment with similar parameters on the market yet. At the same time, the manufacturer offers products in different price segments, so there is an opportunity to decide which model suits the ratio of cost and technical parameters.

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