
Bitmain (Antminer) link

TOP 5 Profitable Devices
Profit (24 h)
1 Antminer DR7 Blake2B+SHA3 127 Th/s 2730 W
5.41 USD 0.00017606 BTC
2 Antminer S21 XP 270 Th/s SHA-256 270 Th/s 3645 W
5.60 USD 0.00021118 BTC
3 Antminer S21 XP Hydro 473 Th/s SHA-256 473 Th/s 5676 W
11.49 USD 0.00036996 BTC
4 Antminer L9 16 Gh/s Scrypt 17.6 Gh/s 3260 W
-3.560 USD 0.00006277 BTC
5 Antminer S21 Pro 234 Th/s SHA-256 234 Th/s 3531 W
3.95 USD 0.00018302 BTC
6 Antminer Ks5 20 Th/s kHeavyHash 20 Th/s 3000 W
44.11 USD 0.00075597 BTC

Together with the active development of the cryptocurrency market, the emergence of new technical capabilities for mining digital coins, quite naturally there are all chances and significantly increase the profit potential. One of the most effective solutions for today, when the question arises, what equipment will provide high profitability, which manufacturer is better, how much is the optimal model - Asik Antmeiner. Systems that are offered for sale in a wide range of well-known brand with an exceptionally impeccable reputation, are ideal not only for professional mining, but also for use at home. The cost in RF of all models presented in the catalog is well within the expected budget of the miner, which will have to invest for the extraction of cryptocurrencies of different types.

Bitmain - is it worth trusting?

The Bitmain company is considered to be one of the niche leaders today. Under this brand comes really high-quality and effective equipment for mining. In our store you can order Antminer can be at a quite reasonable price, delivery is carried out quickly to all cities of Russia.

These are compact and yet very functional systems with serious RAM potential.

The main production facilities of this brand are located in China, in Beijing. The company began its activities back in 2013, dynamically developing and becoming a leader to date. Users have no problems when interacting with representatives of the brand, because the offices are located in the USA, China, Switzerland, Israel, the Netherlands. There are official representative offices in the Russian Federation (Moscow).

Often the brand Bitmain is accused of monopolizing the market, because today it controls more than 80% of the equipment that is used for mining. However, it is this factor that confirms the reliability and quality of Bitmain Antminers offered for sale. In addition to basic equipment for mining cryptocurrencies, the company also produces its own software and various accessories designed to increase the income of each participant in the system.

How much does Antminer cost?

If the first models that this company began to supply to the open market, had still quite simple characteristics, then modern versions are ideal in technical parameters of the equipment. That is why many people decide to buy Antminer of this brand.

The main advantages that determine the cost of Bitmain Antminer:

  • under each model there are several modifications, which have different performance values, slightly variable performance characteristics;
  • components used in the device are characterized by a good reserve of working resource, meet the current requirements of efficiency, which allows you to mine absolutely different cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, new promising coins that require resistance to high loads from the system for mining;
  • accessible and simple interface systems, software, so that even a beginner in this niche can quickly enough to increase profitability today, much less time to spend on the payback of the equipment.

To buy Antminer means to bet on exceptional reliability.

What are the differences between Antminer Asics?

There are many models in the catalog, each of which also has several versions. The main parameters that vary by the manufacturer in the development of each modification are:

  • technologies in the basis of the basic operation of the equipment;
  • speed performance, hash rate;
  • volume of consumed energy;
  • weight, dimensions;
  • noise level during operation with intensive loads.

It is also worth paying attention to what currencies a particular model supports, choosing your own strategy for mining, what algorithm is used during mining. It is not superfluous to pay attention to what material is the basis of the case. In the most popular versions of Bitmain it is mostly lightweight, durable, wear-resistant aluminum. In fact, all models are equipped with several coolers to ensure effective cooling of the system, prevent failures due to technical reasons when mining cryptocurrency. All of this ultimately affects how much profit Bitmain Antminer brings in.

Optimal solutions by characteristics, according to the majority of professional miners, are S9, E3, D3, X3, S11, S15 and T15. They note the proportional value of the manufacturer's stated price and the speed of crypto mining. Individually consider the goals for which it is planned to buy Asik Bitmain. For beginners there are simpler models, the cost of which will not be exorbitant. Sometimes it makes sense to consider buying a Bitmain Asik not new, but in used condition. This will be a rational start in order to steadily increase their profitability and gradually improve the technical equipment of their farm. However, if the miner has the task to expand mining to industrial scale, then the approach to the choice of equipment will be radically different. Especially given the fact that mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with a certain financial weight in the market is becoming more and more difficult, the requirements for equipment are many times higher. All of these factors together affect the overall profitability of the Asic Antminer of a particular model.

What else influences the profitability of Antminer?

Regardless of the purpose for which you plan to place an order for Bitmain Asik Miner, it is the cost of Antminer that is first of all specified. However, it should be taken into account that the profitability depends not only on the characteristics of the equipment, but also on a number of related factors, for example:

  • forecasts regarding different types of cryptocurrencies - it is worthwhile to be as clear as possible before buying the yield for today from bitcoin, ether, lightcoins, dogicoins and other crypto;
  • the cost of electricity in the region where you plan to place the equipment, because all costs should provide a profit, not just investments on the part of the miner (in some areas to engage in mining is fundamentally unpromising precisely because of the high cost of electricity).

In order to achieve all of the stated goals and objectives regarding financial profitability within the stated timeframe, it is important not only to buy the most suitable Antminer model. It is necessary to carefully consider the conditions in which the equipment will be placed. It must not suffer from the effects of external negative factors, overheat, or dust. Otherwise, part of the money that will be received from the extraction of cryptocurrency, you will have to invest in repairs, replacement of individual components. This item of expenditure should not be overlooked, because it can become very solid under improper conditions of operation of Asic Bitmain.

How to find out the yield for today?

In addition to the assumptions of experts and analysts who put forward their opinions on the development of different types of digital coins, the prospects for the dynamics of changes in their value, you can and should use the unique offer of Bitmain. Thanks to certain options in the software, you can perform offline analysis and make calculations by month, day. The information is converted into easy-to-understand graphs, which allows you to more clearly and correctly determine the mining strategy for the current period of time, increase profitability and reduce the risk of loss.

ASIC from Bitmain, the sale of which is carried out in Russia without problems, is a rational investment to get the expected profit from the extraction of cryptocurrency. User feedback confirms the effectiveness of this equipment and the practicality of its operation.

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