
Jasminer link

TOP 5 Profitable Devices
Profit (24 h)
1 X16-P 5800 Mh/s Ethash 5800 Mh/s 1900 W
5.36 USD 0.00014593 BTC
2 X4-C 1U-450 Mh/s Ethash 450 Mh/s 250 W
0.170 USD 0.00001132 BTC
3 X4-1U-520 Mh/s Ethash 520 Mh/s 240 W
0.310 USD 0.00001308 BTC
4 X4-Q-1 Gh/s Ethash 1000 Mh/s 380 W
0.800 USD 0.00002516 BTC
5 X4-QZ-840 Mh/s Ethash 840 Mh/s 340 W
0.620 USD 0.00002113 BTC
6 X16-Q-1.95 Gh/s Ethash 1950 Mh/s 630 W
1.82 USD 0.00004906 BTC

When starting to mine cryptocurrencies, everyone comes to realize the importance of properly selected equipment. It's not just about performance, it's also about power consumption, user-friendliness, features, build quality, and initial price. Jasminer is a manufacturer that has won the trust of hundreds of miners from different parts of the world thanks to its innovative machines. The headquarters are located in China, as are the production facilities.

The company is engaged in the development and implementation of its own technologies, standing out from the competition and providing customers with personalized service. The brand's devices are equipped with proprietary chips and semiconductors that guarantee high data transfer speeds, and the firm's employees are also actively working on the integration of artificial intelligence.

Model range of devices from the Chinese brand

When using Jasminer asics, profitability directly depends on the parameters of the purchased equipment. You can invest a large amount of money in several models with maximum performance and get a quick financial return for solo mining or choose a machine of medium price category and become a member of a pool. Before you buy a Jasminer, you can calculate the future profit from mining on the official website of the manufacturer, specifying the model of the asic, coin and its value, hash rate and other parameters. This will help you make the right decision. 

The following varieties of equipment are available to miners: 

  • X4 BRICK.
  • X4-1U. 

Between themselves they differ by the supported digital asset - you can only mine ETH or ETC+ZIL (all devices work according to the Ethash algorithm). The hash rate can vary from 65 MH/s to 5800MH/s. As for the power consumption of Jasminer equipment, it also varies from 240W to 1200W. Users can also decide for themselves whether it is better for them to buy directly from the manufacturer and wait a long time for delivery from China or to contact a distributor in their home country and save time.

Distinctive product features 

Jasminer doesn't just cater to the current needs of miners, it is future-oriented and aims to offer next-generation hardware faster than the competition. Among the main features of the asics it produces are:

  • increased hashing speed;
  • intelligent control mechanism, which is based on an arithmetic chip;
  • low power consumption;
  • easy deployment;
  • compliance with environmental and fire safety standards;
  • maximum comfort of use;
  • low noise level;
  • ergonomic design;
  • power. 

If you look at the prices of Jasminer devices, they are slightly lower than the cost of products of more popular brands. This is another reason for beginner miners and farm owners to pay attention to the products of this manufacturer.

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