Best Bitcoin (BTC) Mining Pools

# SHA-256 Pool Fee Hashrate Blocks
in last
Last Found
  • SOLO 1 %
  • PPLNS 2 %
  • PPS+ 4 %
79.53 Eh/s 15
1 hour
  • FPPS 4 %
  • PPLNS 0 %
145.00 Eh/s 21
27 minutes
  • FPPS
13.58 Eh/s 1
10 hours
  • PPLNS 2 %
  • FPPS 4 %
66.06 Eh/s 14
1 hour
  • FPPS
188.82 Eh/s 22
29 minutes
  • FPPS
5.77 Eh/s 3
25 minutes
  • FPPS
60.74 Eh/s 4
2 hours
  • FPPS
13.43 Eh/s 2
1 hour
  • PPLNS 0.5 %
  • FPPS 1 %
17.81 Eh/s 5
2 hours
  • FPPS
- - -
  • FPPS+
14.97 Eh/s - -
  • FPPS
20.47 Eh/s 1
15 hours
  • FPPS
- - -
14 - - - -
  • PPS+ 1 %
8.62 Eh/s - 834324
1 month 2 weeks 4 days
  • PROP 1 %
- - -
17 - - - -
  • SOLO
- - 834487
1 month 2 weeks 2 days
19 - - - -
  • FPPS
3.54 Eh/s - -

Introduction to Bitcoin Mining Pools: Understanding the Basics

In the modern world, cryptocurrencies have become an integral part of the financial system, and Bitcoin remains one of the most popular and widespread digital currencies. However, a mining process is necessary for new coins to appear in circulation.

In this article, we'll look at what cryptocurrency is, how Bitcoin is mined, and why mining pools are becoming an increasingly popular choice for miners.

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of money that employs cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Bitcoin, made in 2009, was the first cryptocurrency and remains the leader among them.

Mining is the process of confirming transactions and adding them to the blockchain. To do this, miners use computing resources to solve complex mathematical problems. The miner receives a new Bitcoin reward when a block is successfully added to the blockchain.

What is a bitcoin mining pool?

A mining pool is a combination of efforts of several miners to increase the chances of successfully solving blocks and evenly distributing rewards between participants. This becomes especially important given the increased mining difficulty, which requires more powerful computing resources.

Why should you join the pool?

Increased chances of success: miners bitcoin pool their computing power, which increases the likelihood of successfully solving a block.

Regular Payouts: Instead of waiting for a random mining reward, pool members receive stable and regular payouts founded on their contributions.

Maximizing Profitability: Factors Influencing Bitcoin Mining Pool Success

Before we examine a crypto mining pool and how a person can join one, let's examine how cryptocurrency mining happens and understand its main challenges.

First, for any PoW blockchain protocol, mining its token involves solving mathematical problems using computing power, where the correct answer is represented by a block hash number and the person who solves the problem the fastest receives a reward.

These rewards are provided in the form of native tokens, and the mining process is programmed so that a new block of transactions is mined after a certain period. In the case of Bitcoin, this time is about ten minutes, and the difficulty, or hash rate, is adjusted depending on the amount of computing power available on the network.

As computing power increases, the hash rate increases proportionally and requires even more powerful computing power to solve the math puzzle within each cycle.

This is why crypto miners have moved from using PCs or CPUs for mining to using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and have now moved entirely to dedicated rigs using hundreds of ASICs to mine cryptocurrency.

These ASIC miners continue to evolve and use the latest chip technology to provide a hash rate that can increase the chances of mining Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency. Based on the hash rate, power consumption, the noise produced, and daily profitability, ASIC miners such as Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro, AvalonMiner 1166 Pro, and WhatsMiner M32 are preferred among the crypto-mining community today.

Whether issuing new tokens into the system or validating and adding transactions to the public ledger in blocks, the mining process becomes increasingly complex as more miners compete.

Since the reward for mining one Bitcoin block is 6.25 BTC, this is quite profitable from a monetary point of view and encourages many miners to increase their computing power by purchasing expensive ASIC miners.

Alternatively, those who prefer to use their existing computing power for smaller but consistent rewards choose to join a cryptocurrency mining pool.

Like F2pool, Slush Pool, or AntPool, they like to pool resources and get daily rewards for their contribution.

Cryptocurrency mining pools offer even small miners the opportunity to use their computing resources to generate recurring income without investing heavily in developing a dedicated mining rig, which can cost millions of dollars.

Recurring payouts, clear insight into real-time reward potential, and professional management by the pool operator are some benefits of joining a cryptocurrency mining pool.

Top Bitcoin Mining Pools of 2024: A Comparative Analysis

Since the advent of the first mining pool, these spaces have expanded. New mining pools appeared, which simultaneously diversified their capabilities. At first, the pools were dedicated only to Bitcoin, but other cryptocurrency pools began appearing. Currently, almost all major cryptocurrencies have mining pools. The reason for this is straightforward: they facilitate mining and ensure the normal functioning of the network as a whole.

But among all the mining pool services, some stand out for many reasons. Among them, the most important are:


AntPool is the biggest Bitcoin mining pool in terms of hash rate. Its base of operations is in China. This mining pool is controlled by ASIC miner manufacturer Bitmain, the company with the world's most significant adoption of miners over the past five years. Using the best bitcoin mining pool service is open and free. It has a high level of security, and the service charges are low.

AntPool offers mining pools for Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Zcash (ZEC), Dash (DASH), Siacoin (SIA), Monero Classic (XMC) and Bitom (BTM).


F2Pool is another one of China's most current Bitcoin mining pools and offers many other altcoin mining options, launched in 2013. It is also known as the "Discus Fish mining pool" in the mining community. The site has an interface in Spanish, which is simple and clear. The commissions of this best bitcoin pool 2024 are slightly higher but do not exceed 4%. Supported cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Zcash (ZEC), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Siacoin (SC), Dash (DASH), Monero (XMR), Monero Classic (XMC), Decred (DCR), Zcoin (XZC) and Verge (XVG).

Joining a Bitcoin Mining Pool: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

So, to mine cryptocurrency, you must complete the following steps:

  • Buy mining equipment.

Before buying a mining computer, you must visit thematic forums and study reviews about equipment for mining bitcoins. Today, the Antminer S9 miner is considered the most advanced. It used to be possible to mine Bitcoin on a regular computer, but now competition in this area is so high that you have to buy expensive specialized equipment.

  • Create a Bitcoin wallet.

Bitcoin is a virtual currency that still needs to be stored somewhere. When you open your Bitcoin wallet, ensure you have its address and a sequence of letters and numbers. Bitcoin mining will require not a private key but a public wallet address. Please note that if you have an offline wallet, you need to copy the wallet.dat file to a flash drive and store it there because if your computer breaks down and there is no copy of this file, then all your bitcoins will be lost forever.

  • Select a mining pool.

Once you open your wallet, you can start mining cryptocurrency. But before that, it's still better to join some pool. A btc mining pool is a group of Bitcoin miners who have pooled their computing power to mine more cryptocurrency. Why is teamwork needed? Everything is straightforward. The reward for a created block is approximately 12.5 bitcoins, and to obtain them, a single miner needs to work very hard, and when working in a pool, the chances of getting bitcoins increase.

  • Install mining programs on your computer.

Next, the cryptocurrency mining itself begins. To do this, you must install a client program on your computer to manage the equipment. If you joined a pool, they probably already have their software. You need to turn on your miner connected to your computer to mine cryptocurrency. Next, you must log into the pool (enter your name and password), after which you can start mining. You will generate orbs representing your participation in creating a Bitcoin block. The Bitcoin reward will depend on the type of pool you choose.

Setting Up Your Own Bitcoin Mining Pool: Software and Configuration Tips

You must proceed to its configuration after selecting the appropriate pool option for mining cryptocurrencies. In most cases, this is an easy process that even beginners can handle. Each case may have its characteristics, but many pools are configured according to the same principle.

First of all, you need to register an account on the service. This is the main account for work, in which all data will be considered. All differences in registration on different pools, as well as the features of their configuration, are not critical.

Almost every pool has a "registration" button or a button with a similar name on the page. After clicking it, the user must fill out a small form indicating the miner's name, email, password, and agreement with the rules of working in the pool. Next, a letter with a link to activate your account is sent to the email address specified during registration; this is the last step in the procedure.

After creating an account, the miner has access to the pool settings. He can add workers to it, edit data, and designate his wallet address to credit cryptocurrency if this payment method is supported. To increase the security of your work account, pools provide the ability to set up two-factor authentication.

Platforms often have online calculators for mining calculations. They show the likely profit if the user mines cryptocurrency on a pool with computer configurations. The user needs to indicate the hash rate of his equipment so that the calculator calculates the reward amount and makes a decision; the user can only estimate his electricity costs.

The next step is to connect the mining equipment to the pool. Many beginners use stand-alone ASIC miners with the Stratum protocol; this dramatically simplifies the connection process; the equipment already has a corresponding interface. The miner must indicate the service address to which the equipment is connected, his name in the system, and the registered password.

Next, enter the ID and name of the worker. The password requirements are not so high since the security issue is insignificant. If another user tries to hack it and connects to the server using it, then all the power of his computer will work for the benefit of the registered user, which is not beneficial for the hacker himself.

When using an ASIC miner that connects to a PC, you must download and install software to mine a specific cryptocurrency. It will be different for each species.

Important! Mining software will be required if a video card or computer processor is used to mine cryptocurrency.

In most cases, the official website contains all the necessary materials for downloading so that users can conduct normal work on the pool. All bitcoin mining pool software packages are compatible with the platform. For example, by going to the official website of the SlushPool pool, you can download BFGminer and cgminer, which work as ASIC miners and are used for mining bitcoins. After downloading and installing one of the above programs, you can set it up. First of all, the server address, name, and password are entered into the program. You must create a bat file in Notepad with the appropriate content "/cgminer --userpass userID.workerID: specified password --URL stratum+tcp://".

The next stage of setup is setting the address for payment of remuneration for the work. Remember that a free bitcoin mining pool is not a wallet. Therefore, a payment address cannot be created here; all this must be done on other providers. The user can create his wallet on a suitable service or connect a cryptocurrency wallet from any exchange. The address for entering the wallet is in the "payments" tab.

At this stage, the setup ends. Some new pools may offer additional items, but entering the information listed above is often enough to get started with cryptocurrency mining.

Enhancing Efficiency: Tips for Optimizing Bitcoin Mining Pool Performance

Selecting and configuring the equipment correctly and optimizing the entire mining process are essential to maximizing income from cryptocurrency mining. This includes increasing equipment performance and reducing energy consumption.

Overclocking equipment to increase profitability

Overclocking is the process of tuning computer components to operate at higher frequencies than intended by the manufacturer. This can improve mining performance but also increases the risk of overheating and potentially shortens the life of the hardware. Here are some tips for safe overclocking:

  1.  Temperature monitoring: Monitor the temperature of components regularly. Use monitoring software such as HWMonitor or MSI Afterburner.
  2.  Gradual frequency increase: Start with a small increase in frequency and test the system's stability at each stage.
  3.  Improved Cooling: Ensure the cooling system can handle the extra load. You may need to install additional fans or use a more efficient cooling system.
  4.  Undervolting: Undervolting can help reduce heat and power consumption while maintaining high performance.

Tips for reducing energy consumption

Reducing energy consumption saves energy costs and reduces the load on equipment, which can increase its lifespan. Here are some tips to reduce power consumption:

  1.  Select energy-efficient equipment: Use components with a high performance-to-energy ratio.
  2.  Optimizing mining program settings: Some programs allow you to adjust the mining intensity, which can reduce energy consumption.
  3.  Undervolting: Reducing the voltage on components, especially the graphics card, can reduce power consumption without significant performance loss.
  4.  Use of energy-saving technologies: Modern components like Intel SpeedStep or AMD Cool'n'Quiet technologies often have built-in features to reduce power consumption.

Bitcoin Mining Pool Profitability: Strategies for Slow Miners

There are many calculators with differing degrees of calculation accuracy. The more factors are evaluated, the more accurate the value received. Inherently, the accuracy depends on the probability of finding a block, so all the numbers remain approximate. Still, they help to compare several choices and select the most appropriate ones. Employing those calculators on official websites for calculating mining income is best.

To calculate the amount, you need:

  • Open the calculator on the website.
  • Select the cryptocurrency you plan to work with.
  • Indicate the hash rate employed for a specific algorithm or the available mining equipment (depending on the calculator's components).
  • Join energy consumption data.
  • Predict the time required for the wrong calculation.
  • Specify the mining difficulty value to increase the accuracy of the final data calculations.

Conclusion: Taking Your Bitcoin Mining to the Next Level with the Best Pools

BTC mining pools have become a fantastic way to make passive income in recent years. Regarding the growth of crypto mining users, pools have become the only real method to make income from this business. They improve the odds of success in finding new blocks and contending with other powerful miners. Despite the ever-increasing complexity of mining, miners with fairly low individual computer power can profit since money is awarded according to the deposit made.

The user must select a pool that is right for him, providing a constant and decent income. Despite the similarity of the controls and features of connecting to additional pools, you need to check all the terms of cooperation before starting work.

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