Dogecoin Pools

# Scrypt Pool Fee Hashrate Blocks
in last
Last Found
1 - 289.00 Th/s 12
12 minutes
  • SOLO 1 %
  • PPLNS 2 %
  • PPS+ 4 %
258.26 Th/s 29
7 minutes
  • PPS
65.11 Th/s 7
14 minutes
  • PPS
28.12 Th/s - 5199006
3 hours
  • FPPS
27.77 Th/s - 5147410
1 month 1 week 3 days
  • PPS+ 1 %
29.21 Th/s - -
  • PPLNS+
38.25 Th/s - -
  • SOLO 1 %
  • PROP 1 %
22.91 Gh/s - 5165676
3 weeks 3 days
  • SOLO
4.83 Gh/s - 4970477
6 months 1 day
- - -
11 - - - -
- - -
  • PROP 1 %
306.29 Gh/s - 5195187
2 days
14 - - - -

Dogecoin was founded in 2013. According to the idea of the creators, Jackson Palmer and Billy Marcus, dogecoin was created as a joke and a parody of all other cryptocurrencies.

The algorithm: Scrypt. PoW.

Dogecoin mining: Asic, GPU

Difficulty adjustment: every 240 blocks or every 4 hours.

Time to find a new block: 1 minute.

When choosing a Dogecoin mining pool, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Functionality and geographical location of the pool (Check the usability of the platform, technical characteristics, and protection against hacking).
  2. Available cryptocurrencies on the pools.
  3. Payment options and types of premiums for miners (Most common: PPS, PPS+, PPLNS, FPPS, PROP).
  4. Power requirements (Often pool commission depends on how much power you have.)
  5. Commissions (Pool commissions range from 1% to 5%).

Rankings of Dogecoin mining pools

  1. Litecoinpool.
  2. Viabtc.
  3. F2pool.
  4. Poolin.
  5. Antpool.
  7. Trustpool.
  8. Emcd.
  9. Mining-dutch.
  10. Aicapool

TOP DOGE pools

  1. ViaBTC is the leader among btc, ltc, doge mining pools. The pool was created in 2016. ViaBTC team developed the most profitable payment method today - PPS+.
    Payment system - PPS+, PPLNS, SOLO
    Pool commissions: PPS+ - 4%; PPLNS - 2%; SOLO - 1%.
    Multiple mining modes: Smart-Mining, Merged Mining, One-Click Switching.
    CoinEX Exchange. Application; API; Watcher-link.
  2. - best LTC pool. It was created in 2011 by one of LTC developers.
    Payment system - PPS.
    Commission - 0% PPS.
  3. F2pool is a Dogecoin pool founded in 2013. The founders of F2pool were the first Chinese creators of a mining platform. Already in 2015, F2pool accounted for one-third of the bitcoin network's hash rate and became the world's largest BTC mining pool. The pool commissions are PPS+ - 2%.
    Coin support - more than 20 coins.
  4. Poolin is a pool founded in 2017 by the developers of It is included in the top pools for bitcoin mining. Belongs to the company Blockin.
    The commission of the pool - PPS+ - 1%.
    Coin support: 10 coins.
  5. Antpool is one of the largest mining pools with a 20% market share. It is owned by Bitmain Tech Ltd.
    Pool commissions - PPLNS-0%; FPPS -4%.
    The number of coins: 12 coins.

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