Bitcoin SV Mining Pools (BSV)

# SHA-256 Pool Fee Hashrate Blocks
in last
Last Found
  • SOLO 1 %
  • PPLNS 2 %
  • PPS+ 4 %
- - 723117
2 years 8 months 3 weeks 1 day
  • SOLO 1.00 %
  • PROP 1.00 %
  • D-PPS 1.00 %
955.52 Th/s 1 854921
7 hours
  • FPPS
- - 756078
2 years 2 weeks 2 days
4 - - - -
  • PPS 3 %
- - 712173
2 years 11 months 2 weeks 1 day
  • PPS
- - 709455
3 years 5 days
  • FPPS
- - -
  • FPPS+
- - -
9 - - - -
  • PPS
- - -
  • PROP 1 %
- - 818150
9 months 4 days

The time when cryptocurrencies from the top twenty capitalization ratings were mined on laptops is long gone and will not return. Now miners are united in teams called pools. We tell you what a mining pool is and what to look for when choosing the optimal bitcoin sv mining pool.

What is BSV?

The Bitcoin SV cryptocurrency appeared in 2018 and has made a lot of noise since its release. In the first weeks of trading, it managed to demonstrate impressive growth dynamics. But time has shown that this project could not repeat the success of the “digital king”.

This is a Bitcoin hard fork, which was developed taking into account the financial concept of the notorious Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin SV, by its specifics, adheres to three key directions in development:

  • Scalability. The main goal is to remove all block size restrictions in the blockchain system.
  • Following the principles and vision of Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • Reduced commission costs.

Many experts agree that, based on a number of parameters, this is a very controversial asset. However, a close-knit community has already emerged around him. Developers do not abandon their project, actively implementing updates. This increases the demand for this coin and supports its exchange rate.

Guide: How to Choose BSV Pool?

To join the BSV pool you will need:

  • registration on the pool platform;
  • hardware (ASIC);
  • Mining software;
  • wallet for storing mined coins;
  • stable internet connection.

But do your own research first.

  • Explore the pool. Read the official information to learn about its policies, rewards and payout algorithm.
  • Calculate your potential commission. Make sure it doesn't end up exceeding your income.
  • Pay attention to the payout threshold. Any BSV mining pool sets a minimum amount that you must earn in order for the coveted coins to fall into your wallet.
  • Ask for feedback from other participants. They can be found on specialized forums and social networks. Do not trust laudatory posts - these may be paid authors.
  • Compare with other BSV pools. Compare the commission sizes and payment frequency of different teams. Keep in mind that the cheapest BSV pool option may not always be the best, as other factors such as technical support also come into play.

Top 5 Bitcoin SV Mining Pool Rating

Mining pools are managed by operators (also called coordinators). They perform several tasks:

  • accounting for the computing power of each subject in the process;
  • calculating the total hashrate of the pool;
  • distribution of rewards.

All bsv mining pool participants pay remuneration to operators. It is paid if the block is successfully confirmed, but other options for profit distribution are also possible. The amount of remuneration is specified in the agreement, which is signed before joining the team. Typically, its value ranges from 1.5% to 3.5%.

Currently, a miner can choose among mining pools, which cannot be rated unambiguously. They are equal in stability and reliability. It remains to determine the terms of commissions and payments.

Therefore, it is better to list the most popular sites for “mining” cryptocurrencies:

AntPool. This is a bitcoin sv mining pool and other popular tokens. Founded back in 2013, when the difficulty of decrypting the only cryptocurrency at that time first began to grow. Today the company controls a quarter of the mining capacity.

 F2Pool. Even a beginner can understand the settings. At the same time, there are no commission fees for some coins; when “mining” other tokens, they are minimal.

 Mininggrirentals. Created after AntPool, it offers an exclusively English-language interface. It stands out because the possibility of cloud mining has recently been added. This is a type of “mining” of cryptocurrencies when the miner does not have to buy equipment, but rent it.

Sigmapool. Sigma pool is used for BSV mining. It stands out, like F2Pool, for its successful interface localization. Offers detailed video tutorials for beginners so that the first connection is successful.

Sbicrypto. This pool came into existence in 2021 and is a subsidiary of SBI Holdings. It offers its clients zero commissions, which has helped Sbicrypto reach a leading position. Coins: BTC, BCH, BSV.


Mining BSV can be profitable for those with the necessary equipment and knowledge. Following this step-by-step guide, you can start mining Dogecoin and earn significant rewards. Remember to choose the right bitcoin sv mining pool, set up your mining hardware and software, and regularly monitor your progress.

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