ASICs profitability ranking for Decred

Profit (24 h)
IbeLink DSM6T 6 Th/s Blake256r14 6 Th/s 2100 W
IbeLink iBeLink™ DSM7T 7 Th/s Blake256r14 7 Th/s 2100 W
Bitmain Antminer DR3 7,8 Th/s Blake256r14 7.8 Th/s 1410 W
Bitmain Antminer DR5 34 Th/s Blake256r14 34 Th/s 1800 W
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What is Decred

Decred is an altcoin created back in 2016. Its developers set themselves the task of forming a token completely devoid of the disadvantages of bitcoin. In particular, full decentralization, blockchain simplification, and transaction acceleration were added. An important point: Decred supports transaction cancellation if a transaction is not confirmed on the blockchain for a long period. This eliminates the possibility of coins being «burned». Which Decred asic is best suited for mining?

General information about DCR

The main drawback of DCR tokens is their low profitability and popularity. Despite this, the coins are traded on all major exchanges, including Binance. There are two ways to mine.

  1. Through standard PoW, that is, «classic mining».
  2. Through PoS (charging a fee simply for the possession of the currency).
The algorithm used is Blake256. The total capitalization of the network today is a little less than $2 billion and is ranked 57th in the world. But at this position the coin is stable.

And mining Decred is interesting because tokens accrue both directly for mining and for keeping money in one's wallet. The average price of the coin ranges from $100-120.

How to mine profitably

  • The Blake256 algorithm is more focused on working with video cards. That is, DCR mining at home is possible. But it is much more profitable to use exact Asics, which actively began to deliver to the consumer market from China in 2018 (at the peak of the popularity of this network).
  • You can calculate the current profitability directly using an online calculator. It is better to use mining pools. Although the overall complexity of the network is average, to mine solo you will still need at least 10 modern Asics. Not everyone has that much free money.
  • If you use video cards, you should consider dual-mining. Where RAM will be mainly involved in mining ether, and the GPU will be directly involved in DCR. Experienced miners often reveal the full potential of video adapters in home farms in this way.

Storage and output Decred

The principle of storage is the same as in any other cryptocurrency.

  • You can form a cold wallet and store tokens offline.
  • You can use third-party web wallets.
  • You can buy a hardware wallet (developers also sell such storage devices).
  • You can withdraw into fiat through almost any major cryptocurrency exchange.

The best Asics for mining DCR

The most profitable Decred mining turns out on the following equipment.

  • Antminer DR5. With a consumption of 1.6 kW, it produces a hash rate of about 35 Th\s. At the current exchange rate, this will bring about $ 120 per month.
  • Antminer DR3. The previous generation of «antminer». But even now such equipment is still relevant. Mining DCR will get 7.8 Th\s, and consumption in the neighborhood of 1.4 kW.
  • iBeLink DSM7T. With a hash rate of 7 Th\s, it consumes as much as 2.1 kW. But even so, mining is profitable even at home. Only if you also take into account the stacking, that is, the accrual of coins directly for storage.
  • iBeLink DSM6T. Slightly inferior to DSM7T. Already by the name, you can understand that the hash rate is 6 Th\s. Consumption is similar, 2.1 kW.
To sum up, DCR is not the most popular cryptocurrency but will be relevant for a long period. An alternative to buying Asics is cloud mining. This allows you to rent equipment for an indefinite period. The optimal option for those who do not have access to cheap electricity.

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