Bitmain «ANTSPACE HK» cooling container review: how much it costs and what it can do

  • 17:02 Feb 15, 2023
Bitmain «ANTSPACE HK» cooling container review: how much it costs and what it can do

ASICs devices that mine virtual coins need cooling systems. This is necessary to maintain the temperature, which ensures the efficient operation of the equipment. The container from Bitmain «ANTSPACE HK3» is used for these purposes. Let's consider its current cost, characteristics and features. 

Who makes it?

Bitmain Technologies Ltd is considered the largest manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining devices. The organization was founded in 2013 in China. Its head office is located in Beijing. The equipment that Bitmain develops is mainly aimed at BTC mining. There are also devices for mining altcoins. 

In addition to producing equipment, the company controls two major pools for virtual coins: and Antpool.

Home mining in the past: what Bitmain's «ANTSPACE HK3» container is for

Virtual coin mining devices generate a lot of heat and need a serious cooling system. The time for home mining is running out. Since it's hard to mine BTC or other crypto effectively in apartments or outbuildings. 

Mining virtual coins at home, you are unlikely to be able to provide the necessary amount of air for ventilation. And noisy, warming asics will be uncomfortable for your neighbors. On our website there was already information about how an improvised mining farm disturbed the residents of one of the Russian houses. 

Specialists of housing and communal services found the owner of the premises, where the unauthorized mining of virtual coins took place. He was prosecuted under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – «Production, storage, transportation or sale of goods and products, works or services that do not meet safety requirements». 

You also need more capacity to compete for the block and add it to the network. With one or more asics it will be problematic to do this. Unless, of course, you are connected to a pool. But even in this case, the block obtained not by one person is divided between all the participants in the process. And the reward is divided in proportion to how much power your equipment has. 

If you have dozens (or maybe hundreds) of asics, then you should think about mining virtual coins on an industrial scale. That's what you need Bitmain's «ANTSPACE HK3» container for.

Features of the container 

This is a robust construction, which is equipped with several systems. Let's talk about them in detail. 

  1. CCTV systems. Necessary in order to calculate the intruders. They come in a factory set, which is provided by the manufacturer.
  2. Fire Extinguishing System. You do not have to worry about fire safety. The container is designed to minimize the possibility of inflammation of the equipment, the design also includes a fire-extinguishing system.
  3. Beacon, which allows you to determine the location of the container will allow you to keep track of its current geolocation. If the container is stolen, you can easily find it. 
  4. Power outage protection and extra batteries for a few days will save the energy you need to keep your asics fully operational. In case a power failure occurs. 

The dimensions of the container are 6058*2438*2896 millimeters (length/width/height). For its operation it requires round-the-clock access to electricity. The dimensions of the construction allow to place up to 210 S19 PRO + Hyd asics in the container. (the figure provided by the manufacturer).

Operational weight of the object is 12 tons. It is not recommended to place it near water bodies or on the soil, which is destroyed by groundwater. It is best to choose not hilly terrain. The platform for installation of the container should be flat and solid (concrete surface will do). The base should be able to withstand a load of not less than 14 tons. 

The main operating indicators   

  • Unit operating power – 1047-1050 kW. 
  • Rated current (A) – 952.
  • Power consumption efficiency – 1,022 (without cooling tower)/1,036 (including cooling tower – cooling unit); Input voltage and frequency – 415 V ± 5% 60 Hz (North America).
  • 400 V ± 5% 50 Hz (EU, Middle East).

The container is best suited to accommodate Antminer S19 XP Hydro. We have already written about this equipment. In a nutshell, this asyc is equipped with a liquid cooling system. 

It is considered energy efficient, powerful and more cost-effective compared to many other Bitmain devices.

The cost of the container from Bitmain «ANTSPACE HK3»

The official website lists a price of $110,000. Also you need to consider the cost of installation and logistics.

If you are going to engage in industrial mining, you care about the efficiency of virtual coin mining, the safety of your expensive asics With the right approach to virtual coin mining, your investment should pay off.

Location Recommendations 

In order to install a container and a hot water cooling system (cooling tower) you need to use a crane with a lifting capacity of ten tons or more. It is important to note that additional attachments required for installation - ladders, transformers, cables, bridge racks and cable junction boxes – are not provided in the basic ANTSPACE HK3 package. You can purchase all of these separately from the manufacturer or third-party suppliers. 

The company provides a warranty card for its products. It is valid for 365 days from the date of shipment of the equipment. However, if any defects are noted in the operation that led to the failure of the devices, the warranty is void. 


ANTSPACE HK3 has a lot of advantages. Its disadvantage is a high price. There may also be issues with the maintenance of the equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to hire only qualified workers, who will be able to set up and further maintain the working condition of all mechanisms. 
Images taken from the official Bitmain Facebook account.

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