
Cloud Mining

Cryptocurrency mining remains one of the most promising ways to earn money, despite the series of changes and the introduction of new technologies since the inception of the fundamentally new financial system up to the present day. One of these changes is directly related to the technical process of mining. Due to the increasing complexity of computational processes in cryptocurrency mining, it has become more challenging for individual miners to maintain profitability at the expected level. As a result, fundamentally new platforms and communities for collective mining have been created. These services are called cloud mining, and Bitdeer is one of the top platforms where you can rent the computing power of your equipment or combine it with the power of other users to speed up the positive results of finding new blocks.

Bitdeer Overview

Bitdeer cloud mining is one of the most popular platforms due to its high reliability, which is supported by a corresponding rating both in China and worldwide. The project has very solid development scales. It offers different tariff plans designed for the comfort of both beginners in this niche and experienced miners who are well-versed in all aspects of the new cryptocurrency mining strategy.

By connecting to the special site, users gain confidence that they are guaranteed to be provided with ideal methods tailored to current requirements for effectively solving cryptographic tasks, as well as a stable schedule of reward payments. The main goal that users achieve when connecting to Bitdeer cloud mining is the ability to reduce monetary costs. With this format of cryptocurrency mining, there is no need to purchase expensive and high-performance mining equipment or regularly upgrade and modernize it.

Before choosing this particular cloud mining service, it is important to know that the company was created by giants in the cryptocurrency market. These major brands include, Bitmain, and Antpool. Since 2018, the company has been providing its services and remains an undisputed leader in this direction.

Development of Bitdeer Cloud Mining

The service offers a wide range of services, and users highly appreciate the advantages of Bitdeer compared to alternative services.

The main goals and principles of the service, which are consistently upheld by its creators, are the maximum comfort of each client and the provision of favorable conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation for all who strive to develop in the cryptocurrency niche. Therefore, Bitdeer cloud mining has predominantly positive reviews.

In 2023, the company's activities were already supported by 6 data centers located in different parts of the world. Carbon-free energy production technologies are effectively implemented, which positively impacts the planet's ecology. This responsible approach, combined with the total power of the equipment offered for rent at 795 MW, determines high user demand, as these aspects are prioritized by most miners.

The following mining pools and mining equipment manufacturers regularly collaborate as partners and clients with Bitdeer:

  • F2Pool;
  • Foundry;
  • ViaBTC.

Great Development Prospects Supported at a High Level

This cloud mining service has already attracted clients from over 150 countries.

Main Features of Bitdeer Cloud Mining

The service operates 24/7, adhering to principles of security, transparency, and authenticity. Miners remotely manage all processes, and all important information is instantly updated on the site in real time.

Considering that the needs and expectations regarding profitability vary among clients, the platform offers flexible tariff plans. Profitability is calculated not only based on rented power but also on energy costs. Contracts can be arranged for different terms, from 30 days to 360 days. Additional passive income can be earned by attracting new clients, with users receiving 2% of payouts as bonuses through the referral program.

Key Advantages of Bitdeer Cloud Mining Include:

  • A wide range of digital coins available for mining, including Bitcoin, Ether, Dash, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Decred, and ZCash.
  • Low fees, regardless of the contract duration.
  • Stable technical operation of the service.
  • Innovative data centers located in America, Asia, and Europe.
  • The ability to receive payments from mining pools without intermediaries, ensuring low-cost transactions.
  • Absolute control over all processes in real-time.
  • The option to rent additional computing power from third-party sellers.
  • The ability to sell hash rate.
  • Both a web version of the platform and a functional, convenient mobile app.
  • Multifunctionality, allowing for instant switching between pools with one click.
  • A handy calculator for pre-calculating profitability in different tariff plans.

To register on the platform, you need to use your mobile phone number or email address. After confirming profile creation, you can immediately link a crypto wallet where rewards will be transferred.

Reviews of Bitdeer

The company is steadily developing, including in the CIS market. There is currently no reason to distrust Bitdeer cloud mining. Moreover, Bitdeer plans to add hash rate of 4.8 EH/s, which will allow it to cover an even larger part of the cryptocurrency market.

Users note the advantages mentioned above either in combination or separately. The drawbacks usually highlighted by beginners are due to initial difficulties in understanding how the platform works. However, after contacting thematic forums or Bitdeer cloud mining support, issues were promptly resolved.

Bitdeer Reliability Rating: Scam or Legitimate Platform?

The Chinese company Bitdeer, which offers cloud mining, holds a solid 2nd place in this niche in the rankings of the most in-demand services. There is no talk of a scam in this case, as there are no prerequisites for it.


Using Bitdeer cloud mining service is a reasonable approach to organizing mining without significant investments or with minimal financial costs. It is an excellent start in the world of cryptocurrency, allowing you to reach a fundamentally new financial level and improve your quality of life in a short period of time.