X16 P 5800 Mh/s

X16 P 5800 Mh/s

Profitability calculation X16 P 5800 Mh/s
Period Reward Income Expenses Profit

With this miner, you can mine digital coins like ETC+ZIL and ETHW+ZIL at home. While they may not be the most popular, they are known for their stability, overall demand, and potential. Therefore, it can be expected that the Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s will bring a good return on investment in its segment.

Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s Specifications

To get an approximate idea of how soon the equipment will pay off and whether it will generate significant profits, it is worth using the Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s profitability calculator. It operates online and performs all the necessary calculations, providing average results to work with.

Comparing the profitability of the Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s ASIC with other models will demonstrate its advantages. This equipment achieves a positive return on investment 2-5 months faster than the Jasminer X16-Q or Jasminer X4-Q, depending on earnings and expenses. The key is to choose a suitable cryptocurrency for mining.

Jasminer X16 P is an innovative miner introduced to the market in 2023. It is versatile and powerful, although it does have a significant weight of 14 kilograms. Its large dimensions indicate reliability and durability, which should be seen as a plus rather than a drawback.

Profitability of Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s

It is difficult to determine the exact profitability of the Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s at this moment since it regularly fluctuates. This also affects the payback period, as there are no fixed time frames. This is due to the volatility of fiat currency exchange rates and shifts in the cryptocurrency market. However, on average, the payback period is estimated to be less than a year, which is a very good indicator.

You can calculate the mining profit with the Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s ASIC using an online calculator. Thanks to modern technology, this can be done easily and conveniently.

Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s Calculator

Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s is a powerful and efficient ASIC within its budget range. The manufacturer aimed to provide users with good functionality without the need for excessive costs. The profit depends solely on the amount of time the miner operates. The longer the miner runs, the higher the profit.

The online calculator can help you calculate the profitability of the Jasminer X16 P. It is a convenient and practical solution. Simply enter the fiat or digital currency, the model of the equipment, and the individual electricity rate. The system will then perform the calculations and provide averaged results. It's important to note that the actual amount may vary higher or lower in reality. Also, consider whether you rent a space for mining operations. If you do, enter the rental cost per square meter to get an accurate net profit.

Power Consumption of Jasminer X16 P 5800 Mh/s

The ASIC consumes 1900 Watts per hour. This is a good average figure, but it's worth considering that there may be some deviation. The manufacturer takes into account that the actual numbers can vary by +/- 10%. However, this does not significantly impact the profitability of Jasminer X16 P. It comes with an integrated power supply and has air cooling. The built-in fans work consistently, monitoring the temperature to prevent it from reaching critical levels. No malfunctions occur.

  • Algorithm: Ethash;
  • Weight: 14 kg;
  • Temperature range: 0 to +40 degrees;
  • Noise level: 40 dB;
  • Performance: 5800 Gh/s;
  • Dimensions: 212 by 300 by 374 mm. 4;
  • Energy Efficiency: 287 J/Gh;
  • Consumption: 1900 W;
  • Performance: 5800 Gh/s;
  • Dimensions: 212 by 300 by 374 mm.

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