Opinion of analysts: «Public manners will either become private organizations or…»

  • Ultramining.com
  • 5 January, 2023 08:10
Opinion of analysts: «Public manners will either become private organizations or…»

There is an opinion that representatives of the mining community seek to minimize the cost of mining virtual coins. This can be achieved in two main ways:

  • going private;
  • merging with other companies. 

Jaran Mellerud and Colin Harper, experts at Hash Rate Index, believe such changes will happen en masse to mining organizations in 2023. 

The analysts cite as an important argument that miners are burdened with strict reporting requirements. Millions of U.S. dollars are spent on this each year. 

In addition, falling profits for mining companies have prompted many organizations to cut administrative costs. This can be done by merging with other miners or going private.

Hash Rate Index specialists predicted a global restructuring in BTC mining. Analysts believe that virtual coin mining companies will focus on bitcoin hoarding. However, the debt pits that some companies are in will make it more difficult for BTC to accrue.

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