Luxor Mining shows interest in Bitcoin Ordinals

  • 23 February, 2023 18:04
Luxor Mining shows interest in Bitcoin Ordinals

The Bitcoin Ordinals project launched in January 2023, managed to draw the attention of the crypto community in a short time. Luxor Mining was not left out and announced the purchase of OrdinalHub.

By the time the deal was announced, 150,000 ordinals had been executed. Compared to the beginning of the month, the growth was 15,000%. Luxor Mining believes the project will solve the problem of depositing items on different servers by becoming a single hub. According to the CEO of BTC miner, this will lead to synergies with the mining pool:

Ordinals have opened up new opportunities for miners to monetize bitcoin.

By the way, the additional income from NFT transaction fees has already reached $600 thousand, and this figure is constantly growing.

For its part, OrdinalHub also told about the deal on Twitter

However, some don’t share the excitement around the new project, believing that the hype will be over very quickly. tfw

Recall that the regular NFT also went through all the stages of excitement and immense popularity, which had all but waned by the end of 2022. Perhaps this was due to a general market decline. Moreover, the growth of transactions in this area resumed and amounted to 37% from December to January.

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