Intel has stopped producing chips for mining

  • Sergey Maga
  • 22 April, 2023 13:23
Intel has stopped producing chips for mining

Intel has announced that it will stop producing chips in the Blockscale lineup that are used for bitcoin mining. The technology giant has made the decision to discontinue support for this product.

At the same time, according to a company spokesperson, Intel will continue to monitor market opportunities in this area.

In April 2022, Intel introduced the Blockscale lineup, and several major companies, including Block Inc. and Argo Blockchain, purchased chips for use in their mining installations.

In recent months, Intel has taken steps to reduce expenses, including reducing salaries for its top managers. The company also announced its intention to save $3-10 billion by 2025.

According to Protocol, Intel may receive government subsidies worth billions of dollars to stimulate the development of the high-tech sector of the economy.

In March, HIVE Blockchain Technologies completed the deployment of 5,600 BuzzMiners ASIC miners using Intel chips.

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