Shares of Digihost seriously dropped in value. The miner faced the threat of delisting

  • 17 October, 2022 16:34
Shares of Digihost seriously dropped in value. The miner faced the threat of delisting

For 30 days, the price of Digihost shares is less than $1. In this regard, the Nasdaq stock exchange has sent a notice of the threat of delisting. If the problem is not solved, within 180 days, the company will be delisted.

In turn, Digihost sent a letter to the SEC, which indicated that:

Receiving a warning from the exchange does not affect ongoing operations. Also, every effort will be made to eliminate all violations and comply with the requirements of Nasdaq.

According to exchange rules, the value of Digihost securities must stay at $1 or higher for ten days. Action is given 180 days, but there is also an opportunity to request such a period a second time.

The negative trends that have formed in the crypto market have led to a downturn in the mining industry. Digihost joined the list of companies facing the crisis. In addition, BIT Mining and Mawson Infrastructure Group will have to increase the yield of securities.

Note that during the last week the cost of shares of miners significantly decreased. It is due to the fall in the rate of the coin itself, as well as rising electricity costs.

Australia’s Mawson Infrastructure Group said it plans to remain listed on Nasdaq. One of the miner’s facilities was sold due to competition with CleanSpark and to direct efforts to data centers in Texas and Pennsylvania.

BIT Mining assured investors over the summer that:

The current stock price has no impact on operations or plans to create value for investors.

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