Russia Poised to Lead Global Cryptocurrency Mining

  • Sergey Maga
  • 17 May, 2024 11:04
Russia Poised to Lead Global Cryptocurrency Mining

Russia is on track to become the world leader in cryptocurrency mining, driven by remarkable growth rates in the industry. According to the Industrial Mining Association, the sector saw a twofold increase in 2023, and with balanced regulation, it can sustain growth at 20-40%. Although the US remains the leader in terms of the volume of cryptocurrency mined, growth dynamics there have slowed significantly, according to Ultramining.

This slowdown in the US is partly attributed to a proposed initiative by the Biden administration to increase the tax burden on mining companies. The proposal includes a 30% excise tax on the cost of electricity consumed by mining operations. The US Department of Energy argues that this measure will boost tax revenues and prevent energy deficits, which could otherwise lead to higher tariffs for the general population in some states.

In Russia, however, the approach to regulating the mining industry is mixed. Some officials view mining as a disruptive force that complicates the existing energy order. Yet, there is a growing consensus that this perspective needs to change. Mining should be seen as a strategic tool that can enhance the value of exported electricity and provide stable revenue streams for budgets at all levels.

Anton Gorelkin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, emphasizes the need for a regulatory framework that supports the mining industry’s growth. He advocates for viewing mining not as a burden but as an opportunity to increase the economic value of energy exports and secure reliable income for government budgets.

Russia’s potential leadership in cryptocurrency mining is contingent on adopting such supportive regulations. If the country can navigate these regulatory challenges effectively, it stands to gain a significant edge in the global cryptocurrency market. 

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