Hut 8 Advances Toward 2025 Carbon Neutrality Goal with Strategic Eco-Friendly Measures

  • Sergey Maga
  • 28 July, 2023 07:04
Hut 8 Advances Toward 2025 Carbon Neutrality Goal with Strategic Eco-Friendly Measures

In a notable development, Hut 8, the leading crypto mining company, has been actively progressing towards achieving its 2025 carbon neutrality goal. The company reported a significant carbon footprint reduction last year. They achieved this by incorporating green practices across its High-Performance Computing (HPC) data centres in Canada.

Hut 8’s data centres, located in Ontario and British Columbia, benefit from these provinces’ 94% and 97% carbon-free grid mixes, respectively. Consequently, these efforts have resulted in a significant 40% offset of their total carbon emissions. The company achieved this through the application of 166,434 tonnes of carbon offsets and renewable energy certificates.

Furthermore, Hut 8 has displayed commendable resource efficiency. They have equipped their crypto mining facilities with 100% LED lighting, thereby using 75% less energy compared to traditional lighting. The firm also employed electric-powered vehicles and a sophisticated SCADA system, boosting their energy efficiency further.

The company’s impressive diversion of waste from landfills stands at 94%, reducing their environmental footprint even more. Hut 8 successfully achieved this through proactive recycling and reuse of computer equipment and other materials.

Moreover, the company is also showing progressive diversity, with three out of seven executive management roles held by women, while their Board of Directors comprises two women and two BIPOC individuals.

In conclusion, Hut 8’s latest ESG report highlights the firm’s unwavering commitment towards achieving its sustainability and diversity goals. The company continues to adopt new methods to reduce its carbon footprint, showing the path for other industry players to follow.

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