Hackers Exploit Auto-Reply Emails to Spread Crypto-Mining Malware

  • Sergey Maga
  • 26 September, 2024 15:27
Hackers Exploit Auto-Reply Emails to Spread Crypto-Mining Malware

Cybersecurity faces a new threat as hackers are exploiting email auto-replies to distribute malware designed for covert cryptocurrency mining. Researchers from Facct have identified over 150 emails containing the malicious XMRig software since May 2024.

The attackers compromise email accounts and set up auto-replies with attached files or links to malware. The targets are companies, marketplaces, and financial institutions, primarily in Russia. XMRig is legitimate software for mining Monero, but in this case, it is used for unauthorized mining on victims’ computers.

Experts warn that this method is dangerous because victims expect replies to their emails, reducing suspicion levels. Facct recommends that companies conduct regular cybersecurity training for employees and use multi-factor authentication to protect accounts.

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