Bitcoin Mining Could Help Mitigate Power Shortages in Texas, Study Suggests

  • Sergey Maga
  • 26 May, 2023 19:11
Bitcoin Mining Could Help Mitigate Power Shortages in Texas, Study Suggests

A recent research paper suggests that bitcoin mining could potentially mitigate power shortages in Texas. The study, published in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, shows that flexible mining loads can help prevent power shortages and market disruptions, according to the Blockworks.

Despite 58% of Texans surveyed expressing concern about the Texas power grid’s capacity to handle mining, the paper suggests large mining facilities, such as Marathon and Riot Platforms, could help manage power demand through demand response programs. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has offered financial incentives to miners to reduce power use during periods of high system demand.

Despite 48% of survey respondents expressing concerns about the strain crypto mining places on the power grid, a study by Payless Power suggests that increased flexibility can significantly alleviate these reliability issues.

Amid these discussions, Texas legislators introduced Senate Bill 1751, requiring miners using over 10 megawatts to register as flexible load operators with ERCOT. The bill has faced opposition from mining companies and blockchain advocates, advocating for the unique capabilities of bitcoin mining in addressing grid needs.

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